Message: 'The spacious but intricate temple of Gefjon offers an excellent battleground for epic matches of skill and death-dealing.'
Path: 'Gefjon.pict'
Enables reqd: 0
File: false
Reserved:: 0x00000000
Enables:: (0 entries)
Tag: 'Sthm' (0x5374686D)
Name: 'Stonehammer'
Message: 'Stonehammer is a unique level that requires cunning and skill to do well. The hologram dome, transporters, and plentiful but scattered weapons all add to the battle.'
Path: 'Stonehammer.pict'
Enables reqd: 0
File: false
Reserved:: 0x00000000
Enables:: (0 entries)
Tag: 'Stee' (0x53746565)
Name: 'Steele'
Message: 'The foothills of Steele serve as a sacred battlefield, where warriors test their mettle in close combat. Grenades are plentiful, as is carnage and mayhem.'
Path: 'Steele.pict'
Enables reqd: 0
File: false
Reserved:: 0x00000000
Enables:: (0 entries)
Tag: 'Fors' (0x466F7273)
Name: 'Forseti'
Message: 'This mighty keep serves as a grand battlefield, with plentiful weapons, and a good balance between open-area combat and architecture. A good 2 player or more rumble.'
Path: 'Forseti.pict'
Enables reqd: 0
File: false
Reserved:: 0x00000000
Enables:: (0 entries)
Tag: 'Asga' (0x41736761)
Name: 'Asgard'
Message: 'Stalking and limited-vision combat is the order of the day in the stone forests of Asgard. Grenades and missiles are liberally spread, but hard to see (as is the enemy) in this kreepy level.'
Path: 'Asgard.pict'
Enables reqd: 0
File: false
Reserved:: 0x00000000
Enables:: (0 entries)
Tag: 'Loki' (0x4C6F6B69)
Name: 'Loki'
Message: 'Loki's unique lattice architecture surrounding an open dance floor of death provides an interesting and intricate battlefield.'
Path: 'Loki.pict'
Enables reqd: 0
File: false
Reserved:: 0x00000000
Enables:: (0 entries)
Tag: 'Ragn' (0x5261676E)
Name: 'Ragnarok'
Message: 'Ragnarok's relatively small, enclosed deathdome offers close-quarter action, yet balances this with numerous cover areas and platforms.'
Path: 'Ragnarok.pict'
Enables reqd: 0
File: false
Reserved:: 0x00000000
Enables:: (0 entries)
Tag: 'Heim' (0x4865696D)
Name: 'Heimdall'
Message: 'HECTOR trampolines and HECTOR cannons?? Yes, friends, you can have all that and more in Heimdall...'